Crossley Cares Partners with KC Pet Project to Fill the Ford for Fido

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#MYKCFord is collecting blankets for the KC Pet Project all day tomorrow, Saturday, January 29th. Quality blankets can help rescue and foster dogs through the entire rescue process ā€“ from arriving at the shelter to settling into their new homes.

This Saturday, January 29th, from 2pm to 4pm, #MyKCFord is hosting the Fill The Ford for Fido Blanket Drive at Gary Crossley Ford in Liberty, MO.

If youā€™re wondering exactly how many blankets can fit in the truck bed of a Ford F150, itā€™s simple geometry, really. If you look up your volume formulas from high school, figure out the volume of the truck-bed, estimate the volume of the average blanket, plug the variables in, and BOOM! Science, yo.

Fill the Ford for Fido

Or you could come to Gary Crossley Ford this Saturday afternoon and find out for yourself.

Listen, weā€™re kind of puppy people here at the dealership. No offense. Cats are great too if thatā€™s your thing, but puppies, though!

When you first walk in the door at Gary Crossley Ford youā€™re likely to be met at the door by Roscoe, heā€™s our appointed greeter and belongs to Clark Hewitt, one of our Internet Sales Managers. Then, if you make your way back to the marketing department, youā€™ll meet our Barketing Intern, Dozer.  Dozerā€™s person is Joey Little, our VP of Marketing. 

Dog in an adoption shelter

We like the puppies.

Weā€™ve teamed up with the KC Pet Project to collect blankets to help keep all of our furry friends warm this winter, kitties too!

Weā€™re hoping to collect and donate enough blankets to fill the bed of a Ford F150 truck, and weā€™d like your help.

Despite the loving care provided by the KC Pet Project and other Kansas City area shelters and foster homes, the adoption process is not an easy one for dogs. Until a puppy settles into her forever home, sheā€™s likely to experience constant unpredictability. Her caregivers will vary, her living situation will remain unstable, even her daily routine will be disrupted by various factors. During this process, a blanket can provide the comfort, consistency, and security she needs to stay healthy and happy.

1. Comfort and Security in Strange Places

If kids can have ā€œsafety blanketsā€ā€¦why shouldnā€™t dogs? Researchers from the University of Bristolā€™s School of Veterinary Medicine and the School of Psychological Sciences are investigating dogsā€™ attachment to objects such as toys and blankets ā€“ a behavior not uncommon in canines. Like children, this type of ā€œemotional support toolā€ can help dogs feel more at ease in new and changing environments ā€” such as shelters.

2. Stability in the Face of Change

Rescue and foster dogs face a great deal of change, often in a very short period of time. While some dogs adjust better than others, itā€™s never a stress-free process, and providing some semblance of consistency is helpful ā€“ from initial rescue to foster to adoption. In few lucky situations, that consistency comes in the form of a loving rescue worker who cares for the dog at the shelter and then opts to become a foster or adoptive parent for that animal. But more often than not, consistency comes in the form of something much simpler ā€“ like a blanket. It gives dogs a comforting object to take with them, providing a sense of familiarity that helps them feel stable and cared for, even in a revolving door of faces and living situations.

3. A Safe Place to Rest 

Quality sleep is an important part of good health. Unfortunately, many dogs in shelters suffer from insomnia due to constant agitation and unfamiliarity with their sleeping areas. In addition to providing a soft, familiar place to rest, having their own blanket can make rescue dogs feel safe enough to keep their eyes closed. He can burrow and nest, pushing, pulling, and plucking blankets until his sleeping position is just right.

Please bring any lightly used blankets you have around the house, or you can purchase new ones to donate. Fleece blankets are especially snuggly and make great pet beds. Your donation will help keep the pets warm, comfortable, and feeling safe during the cold months of winter while the agencies find a permanent home for them.

Last year the KC Pet Project cared for nearly 15,000 pets by housing them, placing them in foster homes, and finding them permanent homes with over 10,000 Kansas City Families.

Weā€™ll see you here Saturday.



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