Yes, You Can Get Your Windows Tinted At Gary Crossley Ford

Window Tint
Gary Crossley Ford in Kansas City offers window tinting services with Crossley Customs aftermarket & accessories.

You bet your sweet bippy you can get your windows tinted at #MyKCFord in Kansas City. 

Crossley Customs at Gary Gary Crossley Ford offers vehicle customization and personalization to help you create your perfect ride. From window tinting to full-blown vehicle creation and fabrication, if you can dream it, we can put it on wheels.

Why do people tint the windows on their vehicles?

Have you seen the price of gas in Kansas City lately? Itā€™s gone past ridiculous and rapidly headed toward thunderbolts and lightning. Very, very frightening. Momma Mia!

Tinting the windows on your car, truck, or SUV can help the sunā€™s heating rays away from the interior. You stay cool as a cucumber without turning on the AC and wasting precious fuel. That saves cheddar at the pumps

Keeping the ultraviolet rays outside protects both the interior of your car and the exterior of you from damage. UV radiation can fade the seats, crack the dashboard, and cause skin cancer from overexposure.

If weā€™re being totally honest though, most people bring their trucks to Crossley Customs for window tinting, do it because it just looks crazy cool.

window tint examples

Can the police pull me over because of my window tint?

Having your windows tinted is perfectly legal in Missouri 

The tint on the driver and passenger windows must allow no less than 32% of visible light to pass through. Thereā€™s no limit for rear windows, they can be as black can be and allow 0% of the light to pass.

One Kansas City driver says the police have never looked twice at his window tint.

ā€œIā€™ve had 20% tint and sometimes darker for 18 years, driving and living in KC. Never once had an issue. I have lived in OP, Liberty, and Downtown. I have gotten pulled over a couple of times for speeding, but they never mentioned my tint. Smaller towns may care.ā€

Can tint damage the windows of my vehicle?

Window tint is applied as a film to the inside of your vehicleā€™s windows. Itā€™s perfectly safe for the windows themselves, defrosters, antennae, and any other built-in functionality. In fact, window tint offers a little protection by holding glass the shards together whenever your window is shattered in an accident.

Come experience the Crossley difference with window tinting at Crossley Customs

You donā€™t have to ride around like youā€™re in a fishbowl where everyone on the road can see every time you scratch your nose.

You can wear shorts this summer without burning your boo hiney every time you sizzle up against your leather seats.

You wonā€™t even have to ride shotgun on sunny days just to keep your arm tan even.

Call Crossley Customs today at 816-883-2718 to schedule a time to tint the windows of your car, truck, or SUV.

Weā€™ll block out the sun, keep away prying eyes, and make your truck so pretty somebody in your life might be jealous.



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