Gary Crossley Ford Will Pay You Thousands To Order a New Ford

Getting Cash
Receive Ford Retail Order Bonus Cash when you order the exact Ford truck or SUV you really want and get the exact options you want at Gary Crossley Ford.

By the time most car and truck buyers get to a dealership, they know what they want. Theyā€™ve researched all the makes and models, all the colors and trims, all the options. They know what they want and they know what they donā€™t. 

Then when they get to the dealership, some car dealers try the old same old rigamarole theyā€™ve always tried: forcing customers to buy whatā€™s on the lot. Sell what you got whether itā€™s what the customer wantsā€¦or not. 

Come Experience The Crossley Difference

At Gary Crossley Ford not only can Kansas City area vehicle shoppers order the vehicle of their dreams just like they dreamed it, they can save money in the process.

ā€œItā€™s not any more expensive to order a vehicle than it is to come in and buy one off a lot,ā€ says Todd Gentry from Gary Crossley Ford.  ā€œAs a matter of fact, most of the time it comes out to be a little bit better on your budget because you might not be buying a bunch of extra equipment that you donā€™t want.ā€

Itā€™s like the difference between buying a wedding dress off the rack at a department store for your big day or going to a professional tailor to design a dress just for you except that weā€™ll pay you for letting us design your dream truck.

2022 Ford Truck Month in Kansas City

Ford Truck Month Retail Order Bonus Cash

In addition to the savings on unwanted options and extras, right now during Ford Truck Month, youā€™re youā€™ll receive retail order bonuses up to $2,500 above and beyond all other discounts and incentives. Retail order bonus cash is available during Truck Month on

Turning Lemons Into Something Better Than Lemonade

Cash money!

The last couple of years have brought tremendous change into the way cars are sold in Kansas City from COVID restrictions, to supply chain issues, and inventory shortages, Gary Crossley Ford has adapted to serve the customers every step of the way.

Todd Gentry says the dealership is now pre-ordering multiple Ford vehicles a day for customers who are beyond excited to get their perfect ride and save a little dough in the process.



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